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                                                                Save  Your  Prostate

                     Enlargement of prostrate can be considered as a gradual process. A male's life experiences prostrate growth from the adulthood and when he reaches near his 40s the Prostate sometimes becomes larger than expected. This situation is known as enlarged prostrate. The medical name given to this disorder is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

                       Let us now understand the reason behind this disorder and have knowledge about the significant Enlarged  Prostate causes. The prostrate is a part of body that is found just below the bladder, it is actually a gland known as prostate gland and the function of this gland is to produce the fluid that is secreted as semen in males. Thus it is a very important gland in a male's body as it controls the sexual activities of the male from puberty till the end. The Prostate engulfs the urethra, which is tube for carrying urine from bladder to the penis area. As the prostrate grows it pressurizes the urethra which leads to urination problems n males. Although it puts pressure on urethra, enlargement of prostrate is not a kind of prostate cancer found in males.

                      BHP for sure poses no threat to life as done by prostate cancer but it must be cured at early stages so that there are no malfunction or urination problems in the latter half of life when man needs comfort all around him. Thus we may need action to ease its symptoms and put off potential lasting complications of this disorder.

Risk of BPH

                        Age plays a critical part in BHP disorder. Usually an aged person carries high risk of suffering from enlarged prostrate causes. Thus f you are above 50 years of age then it is more probable to have enlarged Prostate then a young man. American Urological Association (AUA) has conducted research regarding the risk of BHP and found out that 60% of total BPH cases are found in individuals above 60 years of age. If BPH runs in your family then the risk increases many folds because of genetic transfers especially if a relative was affected before age 60.

                      There are some common enlarged prostate (BPH) symptoms. It is closely related to your urination habits. Waking late night for urination, straining for urination, feeling of bladder not completely emptied, burning while urination and most importantly bleeding while urination are some of the symptoms that can prove enlarged Prostate.

                      Sometimes you may get confused about the symptoms as they may be due to other problems like urinary tract infection that involves the bladder and the kidney. It can also be an unceasing contagion of the prostate or may be due to the effects of a medication. Because troublesome urinary signs can be disturbing, thus it is important to consult a doctor in case you have any of these symptoms.

                      Thus it has been proved medically and surgically that the main enlarged prostrate cause is age. With your increasing age the prostate gland tends to put pressure on urethra and it results in Prostate enlargement.





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