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 Keratosis Pilaris

                    About 80% of people would most probably suffer from a skin condition called  Keratosis Pilaris especially during their adolescent years. This skin condition is actually a genetic skin condition brought about by the keratinization or the hardening or the forming of a plug where the hair follicle is supposed to exit from the skin. This results in the appearance of folliculocentric keratotic papules that look like small rough bumps in the skin. This is often referred to as chicken skin. While it is not medically alarming, the sandpaper-like feel of skin with  Keratosis Pilaris is considered to be unpleasant and unsightly by most people

 What Causes Keratosis Pilaris

                    Keratosis Pilaris causes are quite simple, and the skin condition is actually completely harmless. Regardless, people tend to not like how it looks and want to get rid of it as soon as possible.  Keratosis Pilaris appears as tiny red bumps (commonly referred to as chicken skin) on the skin when the body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin. The excess keratin, which is cream colored, surrounds and entraps the hair follicles in the pore. This causes the formation of hard plugs (a process known as hyperkeratinization).

Recognizing Keratosis Pilaris

                      Keratosis Pilaris bumps are tiny, red and are often mistaken for other rashes or even small pimples. They are commonly found on the backs of arms, legs and sometimes, cheeks. Dry skin can make Keratosis Pilaris worse, so treating it with products that moisturize and nourish the skin is important. 

                   Because dryer skin makes Keratosis Pilaris bumps more noticeable, itchier and rougher in texture, Keratosis Pilaris tends to worsen in the dry winter months and clear up a bit during the summer months. But how can you manage  Keratosis Pilaris all year long? 

Treat Keratosis Pilaris Causes

                      Choose a topical Keratosis Pilaris treatment product that is going to both exfoliate and moisturize the affected areas. KP Elements  Keratosis Pilaris offers a gentle two-step treatment for Keratosis Pilaris. Step one is the  — it helps break up the excess keratin that is clogging your hair follicles, exfoliates dead skin surrounding or clogging the area and reduces and relieves redness and irritation.

Step two of KP Elements Keratosis Pilaris treatment is the Keratosis Pilaris skin cream. It uses alpha hydroxy acids, the necessary chemical exfoliator needed, to help dissolve the excess keratin and clear the pores and clogged hair follicles. 

                  Ultimately, it's hard to pinpoint exact Keratosis Pilaris causes. It's not entirely clear why keratin builds up in the skin and causes the annoying Keratosis Pilaris bumps. However, in some cases, Keratosis Pilaris is a genetic condition – some people are more prone to developing it due to skin type and family history. If your parents have Keratosis Pilaris, you are more likely to develop symptoms, as well. Unfortunately, there isn't exactly a cure for  Keratosis Pilaris. However, continual treatment with KP Elements can keep your skin clear indefinitely.


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